Dart functional programming
· 3 min read
Functional programming creates new forms of values using type conversion and built-in functions.
It is possible to chain the results and ultimately make the code more concise.
type casting
// List <-> Map <-> Set
// Cast in List
List<String> blackPink = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd',];
final Map blackPinkMap = blackPink.asMap(); // {0: a, 1: b, 2: c, 3: d}
final Set blackPinkSet = blackPink.toSet(); // {a, b, c, d}
// Case in Map
final Map blackPinkAsMap = blackPink.asMap();
List<dynamic> keys = blackPinkAsMap.keys.toList(); // [0, 1, 2, 3]
List<dynamic> values = blackPinkAsMap.values.toList(); // [a, b, c, d]
// Cast in Set
Set blackPinkFronSet = Set.from(blackPink); // {a, b, c, d}
List balckSet = blackPinkFronSet.toList(); // [a, b, c, d]
- Methods of List
- Returns a
new list
after changing the format of all member variables. - The list created by map() has a different address value even if the member variables are the same
A collection that can be iterated over (list, array)
Use the .toList() method to convert to a list
List<String> blackPink = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd',]
return 'this it $item'
// with arrow function
final blackPink2 = blackPink.map((item) => 'black pink $item')
mapping Map
Map<String, String> harryPotter = {
'harry potter': '해리포터',
'ron': '론',
'hermione': '헤르미온느'
// When mapping a map, you receive both key and value.
final result = harryPotter.map(
(key, value) => MapEntry('harry potter character $key', '해리포터 캐릭터 $value'));
void main() {
// key
print(harryPotter.keys.map((item) => 'key is $item').toList());
// value
print(harryPotter.values.map((item) => 'value is $item').toList());
mapping Set
Set blackPinkSet = {"rose",'jisu','jenny','lisa'};
final newSet = blackPinkSet.map((item) => 'this is $item').toSet();
Purpose of filtering
List<Map<String, String>> people = [
'name': '제니',
'group': '블랙핑크',
'name': '로제',
'group': '블랙핑크',
'name': 'RM',
'group': 'BTS',
final result = people.where((item) => item['group'] == 'BTS').toList();
- Only the first values of the previous and next are entered in the first time.
- After that, the return value of the callback function becomes the previous value of the next iteration.
- Reduce can only return results of the same type as instance variables.
- This problem can be solved with fold()
List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
int resultInt = numbers.reduce((prev, next) {
return prev + next;
// arrow function
numbers.reduce((prev, next) => prev + next);
- Like reduce(), it allows you to set the return data type while setting an initial value
- The first parameter goes into prev, and the first member variable goes into next
List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// Specify the return type as Generic
numbers.fold<int>(0, (prev, next) => prev + next);
List<String> words = ['Hi', 'Hello'];
words.fold<String>('', (prev, next) => prev + next); // HiHello
words.fold<int>(0, (prev, next) => prev + next.length); // 7
…cascade operator
- When combining lists
- The member variables are unpacked and added to the new list
- A new list is created
List<int> even = [2, 4, 6];
List<int> odd = [1, 3, 5];
List newArr = [...even, ...odd];
// `[...even]` and `even` are different.